HELLO!  My name is German Nobile.  (yes, it´s my real name!!)  I was born in 1978 in Rosario (same city as Lionel Messi),  Argentina. Currently working from Buenos Aires.

I am  happily married with Noelia for more than 10 years  and I have 2 kids.

I started my carrer circa 2004 , I am doing illustrations, comics, covers and color since then.

this is my client list:

Dark Horse, Valiant Comics, Avatar Press, LatinBooks, Fantasy Flight Games (Game of thrones TCG,  Call of cthulhu tcg)

Ankama Editions, SALO (Mitos Y Leyendas tcg), Gargola ediciones

Freakshow Press, Domus Editora, Inferno TCG

Editorial Perfil, +Info Editorial, White Goblin games

Grupo Clarin, Telefónica, Gatorade

Discovery Channel, and many others from all over the world.  From Chile To Norway.

Last October (2018) I was able to travel to New York and attend to Comic Con. I was able to talk to a lot of artists and editors, I am very excited and happy for this opporynity. Onward to do new things and keep working in the industry I enjoy the most!!  If you are reading this and think that  I can be a good asset for your company, please dont hesitate and  contact me. I will be very happy to hear from you. Always an honor to be considered for a new job.

Thanks for your time!  Best Regards.  German Nobile

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